Amar; Psicología del Amor; Amor filial; Psicologia del Amor; Técnicas amatorias orientales
= love, beloved.
Nota: Nombre.
Ex: The phenomena studied by disciplines may be either concrete entities, such as adolescent, motor car, dog or diamond or abstract ideas such as love, beauty or hate.
Ex: This shows how quickly he lost his heart to his beloved, and that he believes in love at first sight.
* al amor de la lumbre = round-the-fireside.
* amor al prójimo = charity.
* amor al trabajo = love of work.
* amor a primera vista = love at first sight.
* amor ciego = blind love.
* amor de madre = mother love.
* amor divino = divine love.
* amor filial = filial love.
* amor paternal = parental love.
* amor por el libro = book-fancying.
* amor por la perfección = love of perfection.
* árbol del amor = Judas tree, redbud.
* carta de amor = love letter.
* con amor no correspondido = lovelorn.
* crucero del amor = love boat.
* desarrollar el amor a/por = build + a love of.
* el amor de + Posesivo + vida = the love of + Posesivo + life.
* elixir de amor = love potion.
* escena de amor = love scene.
* expresar amor por = profess + love for.
* filtro de amor = love potion.
* fuga por amor = elopement.
* hacer Algo por amor al arte = labour of love.
* hacer el amor = make + love.
* herido de amor = lovelorn, lovelorn.
* historia de amor = love story.
* mal de amores = heartache.
* manifestar amor por = profess + love for.
* novela de amor = love story, love fiction.
* obras son amores y no buenas razones = actions speak louder than words.
* por (el) amor a = for the love of.
* ¡por el amor de Dios! = for crying out loud!.
* sin amor = loveless.
* tragarse el amor propio = swallow + Posesivo + pride.